Thursday, July 13, 2006

Strike Two

Damn I am tired now. Tournament this morning was brutal. Barely lasted an hour finishing around 400th out of 444. I can list every hand I played though.

1. AT of hearts in the BB and a few players limp in and i check. Flop comes ten high with 2 hearts and I bet about 2/3 pot. Get 1 caller, turn is an A. I bet 1/2 pot, he folds.

2. I limp in in mid position with 22. No 2s on the flop but checks around. no 2 on the turn either and i fold to a modest bet.

3. I make a minimum raise with 53o from the button and the BB and 1 limper call. Flop is something like J46. I bet, they fold.

4. ATo in the BB and several limpers. Flop is A45 and it checks around. Turn is a T again giving me 2 pair and putting 2 diamonds on the board. I bet the pot and an active player raises 3x my bet. I had seen him make this exact play earlier with a flush draw+inside straight draw and end up taking it down when his straight came throung so i stubornly put him on something like a flush draw with 1 pair and raised him all in. He called quickly and flipped up 23 of diamonds giving him the nut straight and flush protection. a great hand. I still had 2 Aces and 2 tens for outs but neither cam and I was done.

Went to the beach in Brigantine for a break and had some lunch and beer.

Played in the 2nd chance tournament at 6pm. Cost was $230. ~140 entries. The whole story is long. The short story was that I doubled up early, hung around while getting no cards through the middle and then got awesome cards when we got down to 20 left. Was the chipleader going into the final table (1st place=$9400). Then via 2 very strange hands I lose all my chips and go out 9th place for $540. Extremely disappointing and I'm not quite over it. I'm pretty much in shock thinking about how it happened and I'm not sure whether I did anything wrong or everything wrong. I'll write more about it later. I'm going to bed if I hope to play in the big $1000 tournament tomorrow morning.

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